
Saturday, May 16, 2009

About last summer and this summer...

So I was supposed to blog during my trip to North Africa but wasn't allowed to for security reasons. :( I will possibly post pictures about my trip here but there are some on facebook that you can see so just friend me if we're not friends and go see them there if your interested. :) Last summer was one of the best summers of my life. It was just so great...

BUT it is now summer of 2009 and there are new adventures on the horizon... 

SUMMER 2009....... TADA!!!!!!!!!...........

I've been to Egypt, Europe, all thru the middle east, and Morocco... But this adventure is different. It's more of a mental adventure. lol. An abilities adventure. I'm interning at Food for the Hungry for the summer (from June 8-August 9ish) in Phoenix. Mum and Dad still live there so I can smooch off of them for one more summer before going solo. For this I am blessed and thankful. Because the internship is unpaid for. I say unpaid for but I am going to get so much in terms of experience and resume-good-looking-ness that I feel like it will definitely pay off in the end. I know that they're not paying because of lack of finances so that's ok. If I were working for like, Bill Gates... I would be slightly annoyed. lol. 
What will I be doing? I dont know, if someone finds out let me know... lol Just kidding. But I feel unprepared for this adventure into the cubicle office world. I know I will be working in marketing and communications for the Transformational Development Conference in Philly in August. I hope marketing doesn't mean business-type money marketing because I know nothing about that. I hope this internship will give me flexibility and allow me to brainstorm and idea-ize. I LOVE starting things and being allowed to imagine and plan and let my ideas go loose... This past semester I started a campus chapter of the International Justice Mission at my school and it was SO fun to plan events and research and give presentations... I had the freedom to kindof do what I want and while I know I will be assigned projects at this internship, I hope I'll be able to be inventive and creative. I think I reflect God most in that characteristic of his. His creativeness. He's given me gifts in that area and I'm very thankful for it. 

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