
Saturday, July 31, 2010


Last night was a going away dessert. It was so SO great to see people from my church there and then friends from other areas of life. Leaving is hard. Not when I'm surrounded by people, but when I'm alone shopping in WalMart for random things like bug repellant, I get a little teary. It's overwhelming. No cold feet... It's just the overwhelmed feeling that anyone gets when there is a, HUGE.... change coming up. The unknown can look so big and scary. You leave behind people you love, people you're getting to know, crushes, your church, your family, friends, acquaintances, familiarity... It's hard to envision something you've never seen before....

Yet I can, somehow, see myself there. I can almost feel the humidity and sticky heat, see the dirty streets, smell the litter... See people's smiles, their stares, experience their incredible hospitality, buy beautiful salwar kamises, eat strange food, count foreign money, try not to stare at the beggars, try not to gag at the smell, try not to buy every gorgeous scarf I see....
It's all in my head though, and I know that real life is always better than the imagination, because real life is just that- real. It's happening. Nothing is hazy or made up... all the senses are engaged and overwhelmed. I like that part of life. That we can hope for things or anticipate them but they're always amplified in their consuming-ness and their extremes when they happen. I dont think I'm explaining myself well. Imagination, anticipation, hope, is awesome, but I like having all my senses engaged and I appreciate reality.

I'm slowly packing my bag. Went to walmart today and bought hiking boots and cosmetics. And a for sale sign for my car :( It's not selling as fast as my dad said it would.
I also bought crocs. Shoes are the hardest thing to decide on when packing. I decided to invest in crocs because I needed shoes that are good for walking, that are comfortable, that are plastic, and that can be nice/semi-profesh looking. I bought some that are slip ons and look like normal flats but with little teardrop holes near the toes. If you know me you know I would never go for the original crocs and it was hard to decide to get these. But I'll be very glad to have them in the end, I believe. So other than these silver crocs, my flip flops, my tivas, my hiking shoes, and my tennis shoes... I think I wont take any more shoes. :)

Got my immunizations yesterday and today I have the sorest throat and a constant head ache. :( WORST thing about traveling- those stinkin shots.

1 comment:

Bri DuPree said...

praying for you as the big day approaches...proud of you for following your heart and desiring to be Jesus to the people you will meet. you are inspiration my friend.