Except for the occasional memory that hits me about Christmases at home, I'm really doing ok being here for the Holidays.
But I'm not passing over the season. I'm definitely embracing it. I play Christmas music on itunes a lot, and have started plucking them out on the guitar. This years song of obsession is "It's Christmas" by Coconut Records. Something about it's 70's music feel, it's simplicity.. I play it constantly. Also, Zooey Deschanel's "Baby It's Cold Outside"... I just love her voice. So classic.
I haven't understood yet what Indonesian Christians do for Christmas yet. My family has yet to set up a Christmas tree or any decorations at all, for that matter. It may have to do with the fact that my host mom had a bad seizure a couple of weeks ago and has been going to the hospital for therapy every other day since. Some of the neighbors in the hood have Christmas trees up. They're little though, and there are only about 3 neighbors in the area that are Christians, so it's not like the place is lit up.
I've been to two church Christmas celebrations. Well, one of them was a church birthday with some Christmas songs thrown in. The other was in Semarang and the church group took a bus from Kudus and met up with a church there. It was like a Christmas service would be in the US, with a candle lighting, but then there were also some non-church songs which I thought was interesting. Not bad, just interesting. Like "Oh Christmas Tree" and some Santa songs. It didn't make me homesick like I thought it would. Maybe because a fellow SALTer showed up to the event and we sat together and we were able to snicker and exchange observations.
Homesickness hits me at weird times. Once in October I was at a church play and they played a praise song in English and I lost it. Just started crying. I was alone in a big congregation and didn't have anyone I knew sitting with me. Maybe that was it. Other than that, there have been no times of pit-of-the-stomach homesickness. Just, missings.
Sometimes, to be honest, I miss the food from home more than the people.
There, I said it.
But I do miss the people too.
My Christmas plans are as follows:
-Bake Christmas cookies and not burn down the house (having the cookies actually turn out and not burn would be an added bonus. Low expectations is the way to go.)
- My mother sent me some Christmas decorations and I have put them up. They include a gold glitter star, a huge plastic door hanging, and window clings. The tacky (ok Mom, it IS tacky and you know it. I do love it though, and I play the little music and the flashy lights at least once a day.) door hanging is up (It's a full length plastic sheet with a manger scene and some lights that blink and sing when you press a button) and the gold star in on my computer desk. The clings are yet to be put up.
- On the 20th I will take Christmas cookies to the school for teachers and students. This will serve two purposes: The 20th is my Birthday, and it is customary here for people to treat others on their birthday, and I want to share with the school my culture and part of that is Christmas and it's cookies.
-On the 22nd I will travel to Salatiga for the annual office Christmas party. Cookie decorations, a dinner, and a white elephant gift exchange will be involved.
The next day I will either stay in Salatiga and do some more baking and festiviting or I will head to Semarang and see some of the Christmas lights at the mall there. And buy a peppermint mocha from Starbucks.
-I will spend the 25th at my host families home in Kudus. There are several Christmas day church services I will probably attend. I may or may not be in one of them. Communication here is weird. Because it just doesn't happen sometimes. So sometimes you just have to go with it. Better that than get your panties all up in a ball and try to get information that will just change in the next couple of days anyway, which leads to a lot of frustration and unnecessary mental stress.
-Then Jerica and Amanda arrive the 28th and 29th and we head for a week of discovering and adventuring and relaxing on Lombok, the island next to Bali.
I'm excited for these things.
But mostly I'm really, really thankful for God-incarnate, Jesus. Christmas is critical to the Christian belief. God becoming man, coming to the earth to teach us how to live and to die so that we can be with him after we leave the earth. I can't find that kind of beauty and love in any other religion. It wins me over to the religion of Jesus.
Nice post Julie!
Thanks for your open mind thoughts about the way we communicate here.
I'm still trying to make up my mind of what should do during this week.
Help us for the service at Christmas celebration.
hey juli!
i really hope your christmas cookies come out delicious, but i always say the same things when it comes to cooking christmas cookies, low expectations are better ;), no disappoints there.
also i appreciated your honesty about missing the food over the people, I probably would feel the same way if I was in your shoes!
I do genuinely hope you have a beautiful birthday and that your enjoy every moment to the fullest, even the tiniest ones. I think its really interesting that their culture believes you should do something for others on your birthday instead of typical, definitely american, tradition.
Sorry about my rambling, its keeping me preoccupied from my finals hahah blehhh, ok! well i'll still be praying for you!
Merry Chirstmas Juli!
Love. <3
Hi Juli -
Love your reflections on Christmas in Indonesia. It sounds less frantic than the commercial craziness here which is not necessarily a bad thing. :-)
I hope the Christmas cookies are a success. Merry CHRISTmas and have a great time after with Amanda..it is wonderful that she's able to come out to see you!
Tamara Swindler
Jules!! I love reading your blog even though it's usually on the fly and I don't get to post... I miss having you here to help me with Christmas cookies and going to the park for coffee... I'll have to catch you when you are home.... I'm glad you are still celebrating Christmas In your own way... Oh and there is no such thing as tacky Christmas decorations only ugly sweaters:). We miss you!! And can not wait to have you back, we still have a date for cheesecake factory that needs to happen.. I love you girl!!
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