
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Proposition 8.

I haven't really followed proposition 8 and all the activity going on around it. But I know others have. A lot of Christians are concerned about it. I guess I understand that. I'm not apathetic about morality, as some may accuse me of due to my unpassionate response to the case. I want people to be moral. Not only is it pleasing to God, it's good for us: our families, our relationships in general, our health... From what I understand about the proposition is that if it passes it makes it unconstitutional for states to have the prohibition of gay marriage in their constitutions.

I believe marriage should be between one man and one woman. I don't want men to marry men, and I don't want women to marry women. I don't think it's natural. But, there's a lot in this world that isn't natural and isn't the way it should be: "natural" disasters, wars, animals being abused for our greedy tummies, poverty... It's hard for me to care about what the government calls ok and what it doesn't. The government doesn't decide what is moral or not for me. They allow so much crap happen in other areas, allowing gay marriage is a drop in the bucket. AND it will NOT change how many people live together or not. It will not make people who already don't think a gay lifestyle is moral, to think it is moral.

The government allowing two people who are already living like they're married to actually get married, will not make me think that gay marriage is morally correct. They will live together whether they're married or not. What changes, really?

We make statements with our life styles and our personal choices. While our voices can influence and potentially change government policy, our lives can influence individuals.
How about the Church focus on what we're called to do.